Our goal is to promote healthy lifestyles across our community by providing active sport & recreation opportunities for all ages.
The North Canterbury Sport & Recreation Trust was established in 1982, as a partnership between representatives of the North Canterbury community, Waimakariri District Council and Rangiora High School to raise funds for facilities to provide recreational and sporting activities to benefit the entire community. Some of the Trust's earliest Trustees included former Waimakariri District Mayor, the late Trevor Inch, former Rangiora High School Principal, Colin McIntosh and sports identity, Frank Rapley.
Today the Trust is chaired by Don Robertson, and its day to day running is the responsibility of CEO Michael Sharpe, who leads a team of experienced administrators and coaches across a range of facilities and community sporting activities.
One of Trust's first initiatives in the 1980s was to build a recreation facility at East Belt, Rangiora, now known as the Mitre10 Mega Sports Centre.
But since then the Trust has expanded both its commercial and charitable activities into a variety of recreational activities, while remaining committed to dedicating its surpluses and assets to the betterment of the North Canterbury community through its Charitable Objectives and Trust Deed.
The work of the Trust extends much further than providing gym and fitness facilities across the region. It is also involved with a number of school sports and community initiatives, including in-school coaching programmes, running trampolining, gym, fitness and dance classes for young people, organising indoor sporting competitions and events, providing administrative support for a number of sporting clubs, and providing a base for many community health initiatives.
The Trust also organises the North Canterbury Sports Awards, the Rakahuri Rage Mountainbike race, and hosts a charity golf tournament each year.
It requires commitment and an investment in a wide range of initiatives to build a highly productive community, in which individuals of all ages are encouraged to reach their full health, fitness and sporting potential. That's why the work of the North Canterbury Sport & Recreation Trust is so important.
To find out more please call or email us - see contact details below.
The Trust's Strategic Goals...
To be a leader in providing quality sports, health, education and recreation facilities and programmes in North Canterbury.
To ensure diverse participation and access to a wide range of programmes.
To provide opportunities for recreation, sport and physical activity in partnership with community education groups, schools and clubs.
To develop an administration cluster to provide facilities and professional administration services to North Canterbury sports clubs.
To be involved in a variety of community events, fundraisers and competitions that raises the profile of sport and recreation in North Canterbury.
To develop a strong, identifiable Trust brand.
To ensure a modern and flexible governance and management structure to deliver the charitable objectives of the Strategic Plan.